What to Ask an ADHD Coach
What to ask an ADHD/Executive Function Coach?
People with ADHD have problems with executive functions (For example, time management, attention, organization, self-regulation). An ADHD Coach works with individuals with ADHD and their families in teaching them executive function skills that will help them navigate their day-to-day. For example, an ADHD coach will teach you skills and techniques that will help you reduce tension around homework or screen time that originate in your child's ADHD. An ADHD coach will teach your child how to manage their ADHD and self-regulate while focusing on their executive functions deficits.
Different ADHD coaches have different approaches and practices, and you want to choose the right one for you and your child. What to ask a prospective ADHD Coach?
Here are some questions that can help you find the right ADHD coach. You can print them out and have them with you when you interview the coach.
1. What is your process/approach to coaching ADHD? (do you agree with the outlook? Methods?)
2. How long will coaching take? When do you think enough is enough? (Spoiler…. A good coach needs to work themselves out of job. I work with the child/parents until they are independent and do not need me anymore)
3. What if we have an emergency? How can we talk to you?
4. Do you make house calls? (This is helpful when your child struggles with organization, for example, that is when I can come over and help in the child's environment)
5. Will you talk to my child's school if necessary? (I will often talk to teachers about what my student needs in class and create/improve the home-school connection)
6. How do we know if we are ready for coaching? (All parties need to go into coaching ready and willing to make changes. Not everyone is ready but can get there over time. Getting the coach's perspective will give you insights if they are a good match).
7. How do you work with emotional dysregulation?
8. How do you work with ________________ (specify your concern; dyslexia, inattentiveness etc.)
9. Where do sessions take place? (Zoom may not work for everyone. I offer zoom mostly for parent coaching but do my best to avoid it with young children. What works for your child?)
10. How do we pay?
11. What if we want to stop? How do we let you know? How/do we get a refund?
12. How did you become a coach? What is your history? (Was the coach a teacher? Were they formally trained/certified? Where? How do they stay updated on ADHD?)
13. ______________________________________________ Add questions according to your and your child's concerns and needs.
I hope this will help you find the best match for ADHD coach that will help you and your family.
For any questions or advice, please Email me in guidingdiversity@gmail.com or visit my website: www.guidingdiversity.com
Good luck!